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Human Resource Information and Payroll System also referred as HRIPS is developed in collaboration with experienced professionals from the field of Personnel, Human Resources, Industrial Relations and Administration, after extensive study in no. of user organisations. HRIPS enables the organisations to address the challenges of employing quality manpower and retaining them. It covers every facet of Personnel Management and Human Resources starting from the stage of need identification till the retirement/separation stage.

In the past, organisational responsibility for Personnel and HR was confined to the Personnel or HR department. This scenario is undergoing a major shift and now each functional head in the organisation is expected to be responsible for HR specific to his/her function. Role of the Personnel and Human Resources is now getting limited to developing organisation wide strategies and providing logistics support to the functional heads in managing responsibility. Decentralisation of responsibility can lead to many systems in the organisation unless all users of HR work on a common system sharing common data.

Design of HRIPS enables the users to define the Business Rules outside the application and share data, which users are authorised to access. Therefore changes to the Business Rules due to Internal or External reasons can be incorporated without the need of modification to the software application.

HRIPS is developed keeping in view the future scenario of making paperless office and offering responsive services to the employees. It is also expected to minimise subjectivity in decision making and ensure the queries/grievances. Queries and Complaints Module ensures that all the queries are logged in and further updates are recorded until complaint is closed.

HRIPS can run as Client/Server and in Web Environment. It is developed using Oracle Developer (Forms and Reports). It is scalable to meet the needs of any size of the organisation. It also provides storing of the employee photograph. HRIPS is easy to customise due to extensive parameterisation to support definition of business rules outside the application.

Top01. Broadly the application is divided into following modules:

Employee Database

Manpower Budgeting and Planning

Manpower Recruitment

Job Roles and Position Competency

Performance Appraisal System

Training and Development

Employee Suggestion Scheme

Employee Satisfaction Survey

Leave Management

Facility, Welfare, Benefit Management and Loans Management

Perks Management

Non Payroll Reimbursements

Attendance, Shift and Overtime

Payroll System

Full and Final Settlement

Income Tax Management

Employee Self Service

MIS and Reports

02. Open Environment

HRIPS is an open software solution, designed keeping in view the requirements of integrating with the external environment like ERP solutions or in-house developed systems. Design of Open system is mainly dependent on the business rules defined using relational database tables so that the business rules can be changed externally when need arises. This makes the systems more complex but minimises the possibility of frequent change to the application. Parameterisation is achieved through use of relational tables.

03. Module Description

This section describes each module for its functionality and operational requirement.

Top03.01 Employee Database

This module is central to the HRIPS application. Entire functionality is dependent on this module. Records in Employee Database can get created in the following situations:

i) Creation of Employee database at the time of first time installation of the application.
ii) New Recruitment - Direct Entry or through Recruitment Module.

Current status of the employee on roll will always be available in the employee database. Record of changes to the employee database is kept in the transaction tables, history or in the form of audit trail.

Employee Database provides for following details:

Personal details

Permanent and Contact Address




Past Experience

Emergency Contact


Bank Details for Salary Credit

Salary Details


Correspondence Address


For critical updates on masters or transactions, system maintains the history of changes made both through the application or outside the application.

In case of employee selected through the recruitment module in the application, system allows for transfer of personal data from the recruitment module with option to change before confirming in the employee database.

Interface with the Organisation Chart enables plotting of every permanent employee in the organisation chart irrespective of the level of the employee.

This module also records the Promotions, Transfers and Increment details and maintains the history of these updates.

Top03.02 Manpower Budgeting and Planning

System has a provision to define the manpower norms in the organisation. Manpower norms can be defined for combination of Division + Grade + Discipline + Department + Location. This combination can be altered depending on the need of the organisation. Comparison between the Manpower norms and the employee database represents the excess/shortage of the manpower.

Yearly manpower requirement is stored in the manpower budget database. In addition to the no. of positions, system also provides for reason for vacancy, due date and budgeted yearly cost towards the Salary & Wages. Manpower Budget forms one of the input for the Recruitment Module.

Budget module also allows recording of Wages and Payroll budget at allowance code level further divided by the months of the budget period. Salaries, Employers Contribution and Provisions. System has provision to compare Budget Vs Actual and also the trend for remaining period of the year.

Top03.03 Manpower Recruitment

This module allows for automation of the entire recruitment process. Process begins with the raising of manpower requisition (Indent) by the user department. This indent is verified with the manpower budget at the time of entry. For each or combination of requisition, following details are recorded on the system:

i) Sourcing of Manpower - This can be either internal, through advertisement or through Placement Agencies. In case of Placement Agency, details and charges are also recorded in the system.

ii) In case of Internal Recruitment, system can generate list of candidates who meet the criteria of the vacant position.

On completion of screening, each respondent is allotted a unique respondent code. Records of all such respondent are entered on the system. Entry of the respondent record is very exhaustive to enable further analysis and integration with Employee Database.

Stages of selection process and qualifying criteria for each stage is recorded for the combination of Grade and the Discipline. This forms a basis for automating further stages in the recruitment process.

For the first stage of selection, venues are updated in the Recruitment Venue Masters. Respondents are then assigned to each venue with the date and time of interview. Based on the input, system then can generate the call letters for the candidates and also the statement of candidates called for interview by Venue and Date of Interview. For each call letter, provision is made to update the confirmation from the respondents.

Based on the outcome of the interview, scores are recorded against the respondents who appeared for the interview. This score is matched with the qualifying criteria to decide the eligibility of the candidate for the next stage of the recruitment process.

For remaining stages process remains same except that the only eligible candidates are prompted by the system during venue and date allocation.

After completion of the last stage, system identifies the eligible candidates in the order of their ranking. Where eligible candidates exceed no. of positions, then remaining candidates are put in the waiting list. System allows for generation of offer letter. Extension details are recorded where candidates request for extension which are approved by the appropriate authority. Wait listed candidates are issued offer letters where selected candidate/s decline the offer.

Induction process allows for scheduling of the Induction (familiarisation), if organisation has such system in operation. It also allows for recording of feedback on completion of Induction.

On allocation of the Employee Code, candidates database can be transferred to the employee database with provision to update or add the fields. Recruitment database is then flagged with the employee code, to further analyse the performance of selection process.

Top03.04 Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal module is very exhaustive. Performance of the employee can be assessed on following parameters:

i) Key Result Areas (KRAs) assigned to the employees. KRAs can be further identified as routine, development or location specific. System allows for entry of standard KRAs for the combination of Grade + Discipline + Department, before assigning them to the employees.

Ii) For each KRA assigned to the employee, provision is made for the due date of completion, the maximum score and the weightage to the total for the employee.

iii) Appraisal process is divided into following:

Self Appraisal

Appraiser's (Immediate Superior) appraisal

Reviewer's Appraisal

iv) Self- appraisal is done by the employee himself. Following provision is made for self- appraisal:

Self appraisal against each KRA with score and justification for the same

Training needs to overcome the shortcomings in performing the current responsibility


v) Appraisers Appraisal

In the screen of the appraiser's appraisal, details of self-appraisal are automatically displayed. Appraiser also gets access to the employee feedback and record of disciplinary actions against the appraisee, before he proceeds with the following:

Appraiser enters the scores and justification against each KRA.

Enters the training needs with justifications.

Updates the potential where he finds appraisee has potential to take higher responsibilities. In such cases, appraiser also indicates date and development needs to perform such responsibility.

Appraiser also assesses the competency gap in performing the current responsibility and suggest for the development through training.

A separate remark column is available for writing comments.

vi) Reviewers Appraisal: Options available for Reviewers appraisal is identical with the Appraiser's Appraisal listed in (v). However in the current system, training needs and potential entered by the Reviewer are considered final. This can however be changed based on the customer needs.

vii) Before appraisal process mentioned in iv, v & vi starts, appraisal calendar is updated on the system. Appraisal calendar involves following updates:

Assignment of Appraiser, Reviewer

Dates for self Appraisal

Date and Venue for Appraiser and Reviewer Appraisal

viii) On completion of above

Appraisal Worksheet is prepared. Current system uses weighted average method to arrive at the appraisal Index. This can be changed to suit the needs of the customer.

Criteria for reward can be defined for the outcome of the Appraisal Worksheet to update the increment amount. Alternately system has provision to enter increment against each employee. Allowance codes of increments are identified in the Allowance database.

Where promotion and/or transfer is recommended, the same can be entered in the screen.

Increment, Promotion and Transfer letters can be generated from the system.

Integration of Appraisal System with Employee database updates the Increments, Promotions and Transfers and also creates arrears transaction for the period defined.

On completion of appraisal, all required database is stored in the history and approved training needs are updated in the training database.

Top03.05 Training and Development

Training module gets its input from the Appraisal system. Provision is also available for entry of the training needs identified outside the appraisal system. Process of training system begins with the entry of training budget. Stages involved in the training module are as under:

i) Training Budget: Training budget is consolidated for each training and entered at the corporate level. Against each training code, details of no. of training, no. of participants and various costs related to training are entered.

Ii) At next levels, each training code is further divided into the individual training with entry of training dates and no. of participants.

Based on the training calendar, participants are nominated and recorded on the system. On completion of training following updates are made:


Reason for non attendance

Score of each participant

Feedback from each participant

Feedback from Faculty

Costs incurred

Where training is not held, then reason code is entered against the training plan. Provision exists to record the Action Plan for participants who undergone training to assess the impact and usefulness of the training. It includes following:

Action plan in line with the training approved by the immediate superior

Activities in action plan e.g. on the Job improvements or through projects

Nomination of mentor

Recording improvements against the Action Plan

Analysis of the effect of the training

Year-end processing will retain the records of training which belong to the Potential and not completed. Rest of the records will be stored in the history database and removed from the active tables.

Top03.06 Employee Job Roles and Position Competency

Most of the organisations do not have record of the Job Roles (Activity List). When employee joins, the role is broadly defined. Ambiguity or non-clarity of roles leads to confusion, employee dissatisfaction and repetition of roles among the employees within or across the disciplines. If any organisation can define the job roles in the organisation without reference to the employee, then allocation of activities and control on them becomes simpler.

This modules allows for entry of Job Roles. It does not use any scientific model. It is expected that HR function will use the right model and arrive at the list of the job roles, which will be recorded in the database.

Job roles are then assigned to the employees either individually or for a criteria like combination of Grade + Discipline + Department + Designation.

System can generate list of overlapping of common roles in the organisation to help management analyse the reason for such overlap and work out the action plan to eliminate overlaps. Organisations which are operating from Multiple locations, there could be some job roles which are location specific. Such job roles can rotate from employee to employee.

Position Competency

Provision is made to define the competency requirements of each position. Position is defined as combination of Grade, Designation and Job Function. Competencies are then assigned to each employee code. Based on assessment, competency gap is recorded. System has provision to define matrix of competencies, skills and training linked to them. Identification of competency gap helps in identifying training needs of individuals. Provision is also available to record the action plan and review schedule for overcoming the competency gap.

Top03.07 Employee Suggestion Scheme

Through research it is found that best of the improvement in any organisation can come through the employee participation. TQM also strongly recommends employee participation in quality improvement processes. This module helps in monitoring of employee suggestion scheme. Features implemented in the module are:

Recording of suggestions on the system

Evaluation of suggestions by the Functional heads

Decision on Acknowledgement, Reward and Implementation of suggestion

Recording improvements against the Action Plan

Analysis of the effect of the training

For suggestions accepted for implementation, recording of:


Assigning Mentor

Resources required for implementation

Implementation responsibility

Schedule of implementation

Review of implementation

Effectiveness of implementation and accrued benefits

Top03.08 Employee Satisfaction Survey

Companies usually hire external agencies to conduct the survey on the customer satisfaction. The satisfaction index comprises of parameters like product quality, quality of service, responsiveness, pricing etc. However not many organisations consider conducting similar surveys for the employees working in the company. Satisfaction of external customer is directly linked to the satisfaction level of the employees working in the organisation. Some organisations conduct internal surveys but not regularly. Therefore impact of the action plan implemented based on the outcome of the survey is difficult to measure due to long gap between two surveys.

This module helps organisation to define and develop the model for conducting and analysing satisfaction level through surveys by the internal department or through the help of external agencies. This module offers the following:

Defining questionnaires

Grouping of questions

Defining levels of feedback

Recording of the feedback against each question

Analysis of feedback in tabular form for each question or the group which can be company wise, grade wise or by discipline or any combination thereof

Graphical representation of analysis

If customer desires, provision can be made to record the action plan for improvements based on the outcome of the survey. It can also include the responsibility, expected improvements, due date, review schedule and outcome of review.

History of survey conducted can indicate the effect of the action plan and areas needing more focus to reduce the level of dissatisfaction.

Top03.09 Feedback on the Employee

This is a single screen, which enables recording of the feedback on the employee either by the employees from the same organisation or the external customers. This information can be accessed by Appraiser or Reviewer in the appraisal system.

03.10 Disciplinary Actions

This module supports entry of disciplinary action initiated against the employee. It is further categorised into Memo/Warnings, Suspension and Termination. Access to this information is made available in the appraisal system.

Top03.11 Leave Management

This module records various types of leave available in the organisation and their attributes. (It can be operated through Employee Self Service or through Application Interface). Update of leave transaction triggers the update of leave balances in the Application Interface. In case of Employee Self Service, the process includes Leave Application, Approval/Rejection by Authoriser and Approver. It also supports the eMail interface for communication for sending alerts to the Authoriser/Approver. In case of rejection, applicant can receive eMail message or can check through the self service module. Year-end process will update the leave carried forward and new entitlements. Where leave lapses on completion of the period, then only new entitlement is updated as leave balance.

Leave types that are entitled for encashment, trigger the encashment process in the defined month. Leave balance beyond a defined limit creates a leave record to update the leave balances and also creates a earning transaction for the salary processing.

In addition system also maintains the database of the Weekly Offs and Public Holidays by location.

Top03.12 Attendance, Shift Schedule and Overtime

This module provides for direct entry of attendance or through the interface with the attendance record machine. Direct entry can be maintained as daily attendance with In & Out time or entered as summary for the salary period. Entry of daily attendance is integrated with the leave database, holiday calendar, location weekly off and the permissions (late coming and early leaving). System highlights exceptions during the entry of daily attendance. However in case of entry of summary attendance, no validations are performed except for total no. of days in a salary period.

Shift norms are entered on the system, which remains valid till it again undergoes a change. Shift calendar (employees) entry validates with the shift norms. Provision is made to adjust the shift between two employees with mutual adjustment and with approval process. In case of shift calendar, exceptional statement can be generated where no. of employees reported are below the standard manning norms so that the shop floor managers can make alternate arrangement.

Overtime process requires advance entry of overtime approval. Without the approval record, overtime is not considered for payroll. Overtime eligibility is checked with the Employee database and overtime hours is checked with the Out time and approval record. If difference based on the out time exceeds the no. of hours approved, then overtime hours are limited to the no. of hours approved. A separate table defines the criteria for overtime payment for each grade and the shift. It is used during salary processing.

Arrears and many reports including statutory reports require the attendance record (planned and actual), therefore database of attendance, shift calendar, shift changes and overtime is preserved as history after processing of monthly payroll. Attendance history is also required at the time of yearly performance appraisal.

Top03.13 Facility, Welfare, Benefits and Loans Management

This module allows for recording of the entitlements of the amenities/facilities and facilities availed by the employees. It also maintains the record of the deductions to be made for availed facilities and integrates with the payroll. Some of the benefits are in the form of entitlement for which no deductions are made.

This module allows for recording and maintenance of the following:

Housing details include the Lease details, Company of self lease, Allocation, Vacation and Termination of Lease. System can generate list of lease rentals due for renewal during a defined period. Lease details are integrated with the payroll processing and Income Tax.

Record of entitlement of Physical amenities is maintained for eligible grades. Issuance record of amenities is also maintained which can generate the statement of short allocation between the entitlement and allotment. Purchase, depreciation and disposal details are also maintained for the amenities issued to each employees. After full depreciation, if employees opts to buy the amenity at the decided value or asks for replacement, then the issued amenity is shown as depreciated and disposed or returned, which creates further entitlement for the employee.

Where employee opts for insurance policies but request the employer to deduct the premium from salary and make payment to the Insurance agencies, record is maintained for the Insurance Policy and the Issuer. Deduction from salary is made in the prescribed month. It directly links with the Income Tax.

Where loan is availed internally or externally, system maintains the record of such loans for deduction of the installment amount from the payroll. It also includes the Interest Subsidy extended by the employer.

For availing transport facility by self or the family, system allows for maintaining such record and deduction from the salary in the requisite month.

Employees availing canteen facility can opt for Menu system or the Coupon system. Based on the use of the facility for a given period, system creates input for deduction from the salary.

Where employees are provided with accommodation or amenities and company is willing to extend the service facility, a provision exists to record the service calls, repairs carried and the bill details towards the repair. Where applicable, bill amount is deducted from the salary.

In case of following benefits, record is maintained but no provision exists for the deduction from the Payroll.

a) Medical - Medical database includes the list of panel doctors, their specialisation, per visit charges and clinic timings. Where companies maintain the record of medical checkup, system can help to define the calendar of medical checkups. On completion of the checkup details like Doctors observations, prescription and lab tests are recorded. Query option allows access to the medical history of the employee including comparing the latest lab tests with the standards. Standards are maintained for lab tests further grouped by Gender and the Age group.

Top3.14 Perks (Reimbursement) Management

Payroll system has provision to define perks entitlement. Perks can be reimbursed as voucher payment or through the Payroll. Provision exists to pay unclaimed perks as taxable earning in a defined month.

Top3.15 Payroll System

Payroll elements are divided into Earnings, Deductions and the Provisions. Some earnings and deductions are based on the no. of earning components where either percentage or a logic is applied, e.g. VDA and Bonus is linked to the no. of earning components like Basic, DA and CCA. Similarly PF or ESI deduction can be a percentage of the some earning components and applied based on the same rule.

Earnings can be taxable, taxable with limits or non-taxable. Earnings can also be either monthly or periodic. Some earnings if not claimed by due date get lapsed and some get accumulated till the year-end. Some earnings like medical if not claimed with voucher, remaining entitled can become taxable in the last salary of the year.

Earnings can be defined in the following ways:

Employee Specific

Grade Specific

Location Specific

Discipline Specific

Voucher Payment

Graphical representation of analysis

One time (e.g. Bonus, Ex-Gratia, Yearly Incentives etc)

Periodic Benefits

Deductions can be of two types:

Statutory deductions

Deduction for availing benefits/facilities


System does not compute any provision in the current system. However it can be automated based on the needs of the customer. Some examples of the provision are:



Company/Group Insurance

Top3.15.1 Payroll Processing

Payroll period is defined at the time of installation of the application. Based on the earning components, attendance, Leave Record and Overtime, system arrives at the earning for the month. Additional input to the earning can come from arrears, adjustments, one time benefit, periodic benefits etc. Some of these can be computed using external logic or entered through entry screens. Currently earnings are divided in eight tables to maintain control on the computation and also get them audited before payroll processing.

Based on the approval of earning processing, a deduction processing is triggered. Some deductions, which are statutory in nature, are computed by the system and for the rest input is from the various tables maintained in the system. Only adjustments advised by the HR are entered through the entry screen.

In case of discrepancy, system has provision to reprocess the total payroll or at the employee level. Payroll process can be repeated until confirmed. Once confirmed, then reprocessing or change is not allowed.

Payroll processing is divided into following:

Pre Payroll Processing - validates accuracy of the input.

Payroll Processing - processes earnings and deductions and generates controls and various statements including statutory in nature.

Post Payroll Processing - updates the history database including updation of actuals against the relevant month of the payroll budget.

Most of the processing stages are automated and linked.

Multiple Payroll

System can provide for multiple payrolls in a month. It will be customised based on the customer requirements.

Top03.16 Full & Final Settlement

Parameters for Department Clearance and Department Clearance:

Parameters of department clearance can be setup in the system. Department clearance received can be updated in the system.

Full & Final Processing

Full and Final settlement is a automated process to generate balance entitlement of earning of the separated employee. It provides for following:

Leave Encashment

LTA Payments/Recoveries

Medical Payments/Recoveries

Other Reimbursements Payments/Recoveries

Loans/Advances Recovery

Payroll Earnings

Manual Entry of Earnings

Unclaimed Perks

Welfare Deductions

Statutory Deductions

Manual Entry of Deductions

Income Tax Forecast

System generated values can be manually updated. In earnings and deductions, provision is available to enter new transactions before generating statement of Income Tax projection. Projected tax (payable) can be included in the manual deductions before confirming Full & Final. Full and Final processing can be run multiple times until it is confirmed.

Statement of Full & Final Settlement

Statement of Full & Final can be generated for agreement with a separated employee accounting approval.

Full & Final Confirmation

Once full & final settlement is completed it should be confirmed. Settlement month should be after the month of payment of last salary.

Top03.17 Housekeeping and Administration

This module helps in taking daily and periodic backups in the form of oracle exports. Export can be at the database level or for the select tables. It also allows for import of the backup when required.

Top03.18 Reports and MIS

Most of the statutory reports related to payroll, employee joining and separation are available in the system. Each module provides for module specific detailed or MIS reports. In addition to the reports and MIS, each module has provision for queries. MIS specific queries also have graphical interface.

03.17: Other Modules

Productivity Linked Incentive, Project Linked Incentive

Wage Simulation

Travel Entitlement

Tour arrangements

Internal Meetings

On-Line Personnel & HR Guidelines

TopApplication caters to the following:

01. Manpower Planning and Recruitment


Manpower Planning & Budgeting


Indenting (Requisition)


Sourcing and Screening


Entry of resumes


Scheduling of Interviews, Call Letters and recording of feedback


Monitoring multiple stages of Interview Process


Offer letters


Extension Letter


Maintain database of the applicants


Analyse Performance of selection process


Integration with Employee database

02. Employee Information Database


Employee's Personal Information, such as Name, Contact, Qualification, Experience, Discipline, References, Strengths, Hobbies, Extra Curricular Activities and Salary Information etc.


Audit Trail of the Changes


Recording of Promotions, Transfers and Separations with history

03. Leave Management


Leave Entitlements and Leave Recording


Holiday Calendar (All India and Local)


Integration with Shift Schedule and Attendance


Leave Balance


Leave Encashment


Exceptions Analysis

04. Appraisal System


Key Result areas by Grade, Discipline, Department and Designation


Assignment of KRAs to each applicable employee


Key Result Areas (specific to the Local needs)


Assign scores and Weightages


Assign Appraisers and Reviewers


Appraisal schedule


Record Self Appraisal, Appraiser's Appraisal and Reviewer's Appraisal


Record Potential and Training Needs


Record competency assessment


Appraisal Work Sheet


Process Increments and the Promotions


Generate Increment and Promotion Letters


Update of Employee's training needs from Appraisal, Potential and Competency Development system.

Top05. Training and Development


Training needs from Appraisal System , External Input, Potential and Competency Development


Training Calendar


Training Faculty


Training Participants


Training Attendance, Training Feedback


Training Costs


Improvement Analysis

06. Facility, Welfare and Benefit Management


Record of benefits/resources extended (Housing, Physical Amenities etc)


Service/Repair Recording


Insurance Policies






Medical entitlement and Medical history


Loans (Internal/External) and Advances


Input to Payroll System for deduction towards charges for availing facilities

Top07. Employee Job Role


Standard job role based on Grade, Discipline, Department and Designation


Location specific job roles

08. Induction System


Scheduling and monitoring of Induction Process


Induction Feedback

09. Manning and Organisation Chart


Company defined manning standards


Plot every employee in Organisation Chart


Graphical Representation of the Organisation Chart

10. Disciplinary Action


Memo/Warning Letters


Suspension Letters


Termination Letters

11. Employee Suggestion Scheme


Recording of Suggestions received


Review and Reward (Acknowledgement and Letter from system)


Monitor Implementation


Evaluate effectiveness of Suggestion Scheme

Top12. Employee Satisfaction Survey


Survey Questionnaire


Questionnaire Grouping


Feedback Recording


Feedback Evaluation (as per customer needs)

13. Payroll Elements and Payroll Processing


Payroll elements and attributes


Employee Specific Allowances


Grade Specific Allowances


Discipline Specific Allowances


Location Specific Allowances


Exception Allowances (Year end benefits)


Benefits outside payroll


Arrears, Adjustments and One time payment


Periodic Benefits




Interface with Attendance and Overtime


Rule based salary definition


Payroll Slips


Payroll Register


All Statutory Reports

14. Reports and Queries




Transaction Checklist


All Statutory Reports


Management by Exceptions Approach


Analysis Reports

15. Security


Option Level Access Control through supervisor


Data Entry and View/Reports can be segregated using Menu or the supervisor control


Select encryption planned


Audit Trail of data updates for Masters and Transactions

Top16. Integration with Attendance Recording Systems

Integration with attendance recording system is tested. It will be customised after studying the data structure generated from the attendance recording system.

Development Platform

Oracle IDeveloper (Forms and Reports)

RDBMS: Oracle 9i


Client Server and Web Enabled

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